Lumia 930

Lumia 930 

The Lumia 930 replaces the Nokia Lumia 925 as the new Lumia flagship while also looking to take on other rival flagships, namely the Sony Xperia Z2, HTC One M8, LG G3 and the Samsung GALAXY S5. The Lumia 930 comes equipped with the latest Windows Phone 8.1 OS and is the actually the first high end device to come with Windows Phone 8.1. In the new Windows Phone 8.1 OS the shortcomings of its predecessor have been fixed-app and call volume will no longer be adjusted as one-week views has been added into the calendar-and a prettier interface with even more tile sizes.

The Design

One thing that the Lumia 930 has nailed is the build quality. The rear panel which is non removable by the way has a soft-touch feel and exudes quality. The Lumia 930’s silver color metallic band encases the whole device and appears to be a single piece helping it in keeping up the quality aesthetic. When you

compare it with the HTC One the Lumia 930 won’t feel as premium or well designed but it stands its ground when compared to the Xperia Z2 or the GALAXY S5. At dimensions of 137 x 71 x 9.8mm the Lumia 930 is chunkier than it’s rivals but credit can be given to it for not being as tall thanks to relatively thin bezels.

The Display

The display on the Lumia 930 has also been improved from its predecessor. It now offers a better 5-inch AMOLED panel with an increased resolution of

1920×1080 which means that it can go head to head with the 5.1-inch GALAXY S5, 5-inch One M8and 5.2-inch Xperia Z2 even though none of these can match the LG G3’s 5.5-inch Quad HD display with a resolution of 2560×1440.

The Camera

The Nokia Lumia range has been known for it’s excellent camera’s and the Lumia 930 keeps up the trend with it’s 20-MegaPixel Pureview camera with dual LED flash, OIS-Optical Image Stabilisation and Carls Zeiss Lens.
The Nokia camera app will greatly appeal to people

who just want a point and shoot app because of its simplistic user interface.
For your selfies and Skype video calls there is a front facing 2-MegaPixel camera.

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